
OU students share eye research at 21st annual ERI SUPER Symposium


OU students shared their eye research at 21st annual ERI SUPER Symposium.


OU students shared their eye research at 21st annual ERI SUPER Symposium.


OU students shared their eye research at 21st annual ERI SUPER Symposium.


OU students shared their eye research at 21st annual ERI SUPER Symposium.


OU students shared their eye research at 21st annual ERI SUPER Symposium.


OU students shared their eye research at 21st annual ERI SUPER Symposium.



OU students share eye research at 21st annual ERI SUPER Symposium
Dr. Kenneth 在研究, associate professor of biomedical sciences and ERI faculty member.

The Summer Undergraduate Program in Eye 研究 (SUPER) at 365英国上市官网 held its 21st annual student research symposium in the 奥克兰 Center this summer.

“暑期本科眼科研究项目是一个为期12周的研究体验项目,在这个项目中,学生们学到的关于眼睛的更多细节,比典型医学院教授的要多, 并参与由眼科研究所(ERI)教师管理的外部资助的研究项目,”医生说。. Kenneth 在研究, associate professor of biomedical sciences and ERI faculty member. “This year, we had eight OU undergraduate students complete the program — the most since 2013.”

Using the latest scientific methodologies and equipment, 学生们每周花30个小时进行实验室实验,并参加由ERI和博蒙特眼科教授每周举办的视觉科学研讨会. The students also received a research fellowship, as well as training in professional speaking and presentation.


詹妮弗·佳斯特, who is pursuing a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in biochemistry with a minor in nutrition. 贾斯特的导师是琼斯博士. Mohamed al - shabrwey和Dr. 科林·吴.

“For my project this summer I worked to express and purify GPR31 and GPR39, which are two different membrane proteins,贾斯特说. “那, I measured the binding affinities of those proteins to two different ligands, 12-HETE和15-HETE, using a method known as ITC (Isothermal Titration Calorimetry).

“I find it fascinating that proteins each have their own structure, 以特定的方式折叠在一起, and then react with a specific molecule to complete a function,贾斯特补充道. “我分析的相互作用与大量其他反应同时发生,以产生大规模的影响, which in this case means symptoms of diabetic retinopathy. 我觉得很神奇,像这样的无数不同的互动发生在我们甚至没有意识到的情况下. 分析这些相互作用有助于我们理解不同相互作用背后的机制, 这可能有助于创造药物,或者只是增加我们对我们如何在分子水平上运作的理解.”

亚当•施密茨, who is pursuing a BSc degree in biomedical sciences. 施密茨的导师是史密斯博士. Dao-Qi张.

“The research I conducted in this year's SUPER as part of Dr. Zhang’s lab involved the disease Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP),施密茨说. 早产儿视网膜病变与早产儿视网膜血管生长异常有关, 导致视力问题. To study this human pathology, we used Oxygen Induced Retinopathy (OIR) in a mouse model. 通过使用只暴露在室内空气中的对照小鼠和在出生后暴露在增加氧气量的氧诱导视网膜病变小鼠,我们能够跟踪小鼠血管系统的变化.

“未来,我希望成为一名眼科医生,以提高社区居民的生活质量, 在365英国上市官网的第一年,我有机会探索眼科研究,这是我实现这一目标的重要一步,施密茨说. 早产儿视网膜病变有大量的激光矫正手术,但目前还没有治愈方法. 作为一名超级医生,有这种一生的经历来探索这种疾病,并帮助进一步努力影响这些ROP患者,这真是一种令人难以置信的感觉.”

维多利亚Jobczyk, who is pursuing a BSc degree in health sciences with a pre-health professional concentration. 乔布齐克的导师是约翰. 肯尼斯·P. 在研究.

“我在超级项目中的研究包括使用一种叫做ECIS(电池-基质阻抗传感)的机器来探索人类视网膜微血管内皮细胞(HRMEC)的屏障形成。,约布齐克说. “在我们的第一个实验中, 我们在每个孔中播种不同的细胞(2),500, 5,000, 和36,000),以确定什么数量可以让我们最好地看到细胞增殖和逐渐形成屏障. 在接下来的实验中, 我们用了2,500 cells per well to compare the effectiveness of varying doses of Norrin, 得到剂量-反应曲线. In our final experiment, we used varying doses (20 ng/mL and 500 ng/mL) of Norrin and Noregen. 根据我们的结果, Noregen appeared to stimulate HRMECs superior to the control, research-grade Norrin.

“我个人对这项研究很感兴趣,因为Noregen有可能成为罕见血管性眼病患者的治疗方法, such as Familial Exudative Vitreoretinopathy (FEVR),约布齐克说. “目前, 这些患者的治疗选择非常有限,这些血管性眼病非常使人衰弱. 有机会成为团队的一员,为这些患者创造一种新的治疗可能性,这是一种令人惊奇和满足的感觉.”

奥马尔Elzayat, who is pursuing a BSc degree in health sciences with a pre-health professional concentration. Elzayat的导师是Dr. Amany陶菲克.

“在我们的实验室里, we are researching the effect of elevated levels of a specific amino acid called homocysteine, which is caused by a deficiency in vitamin B12, 以及这如何导致老年性黄斑变性(AMD)和糖尿病性视网膜病变(DR).埃尔扎亚特说.

“我发现学习各种实验室技术并对眼病的病理有了更深入的了解是很有趣的,Elzayat补充道. “我发现参加探讨不同医学研究主题的研讨会也很愉快.”

米歇尔Tcherniak, who is pursuing a BSc degree in biomedical sciences. 切尔尼亚克的导师是奥巴马博士. 安德鲁·戈德堡.

在我们的实验室, we are studying inherited retinal disease by looking at photoreceptor cells of the retina,切尔尼亚克说. “我的研究重点是可视化这些细胞内的蛋白质,以更好地了解视力丧失的病理生理学. 对眼科感兴趣, 了解这项研究的临床应用非常有趣,参与到我热爱的事情中也非常令人兴奋.”

Cecille小桥, who is pursuing a BSc degree in bioengineering. 平诺克的导师是布朗博士. 肯尼斯·P. 在研究.

“我的项目是定制一个基于细胞的检测系统,以测试不同的FZD4基因变异激活Norrin WNT信号通路的能力,平诺克说. “Genetic variants of FZD4 are associated with very rare Pediatric Retinal Diseases. Also, Norrin WNT-Signaling Pathway is required for the growth of blood vessels in the retina. FZD4, 将LRP5和WNT信号报告基因在24孔板内转染人胚胎肾细胞. Then, different doses of Norrin were placed within specific wells. Afterwards, the cells were lysed and collected. Once collected, the cells were tested using Luciferase Assay. 这个项目给了我启发,因为FZD4变异会影响Norrin wnt信号通路的功能.”

摩根的木匠, who is pursuing a BSc degree in biology. 卡彭特的导师是卡彭特博士. 穆罕默德Al-Shabrawey.

“Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a serious and common complication of diabetes,” Carpenter said. “我们的实验室有兴趣发现导致DR发展的分子途径,并探索预防高血糖引起的视力损害的可能措施.

“我的项目利用视网膜外植体来研究12-HETE(一种因高血糖而上调的促炎分子)对视网膜内神经元和神经胶质细胞的影响,卡彭特补充道. “我们的初步结果表明,12-HETE会对神经元细胞的浓度产生负面影响,并改变视网膜中细胞的代谢. As we continue to investigate the impact of 12-HETE on the retina, we will be able to further determine its role in DR.”

Charlene胸, who is pursuing a BSc degree in biochemistry. 熊博士的导师是. Amany陶菲克.

“The retina is part of the central nervous system and is actually an extension of the brain,熊先生说. “We have been evaluating the retina as a new site to study Alzheimer's disease, as well as the possible role that a compound called homocysteine may play in its onset. 研究表明,在阿尔茨海默氏症的发展过程中,视网膜的一些变化“反映”了我们在大脑中看到的变化, and these changes may be related or due to homocysteine. 这种病很难研究, 因为大脑非常复杂, 另外, research with the brain itself involves many risks, so if we can solidify this connection between the two areas, it may become easier to both predict and study the disease.

“This research is meaningful to me because so many people worldwide are have Alzheimer's; even more are affected by it, since caring for a patient with Alzheimer's places hefty emotional, 金融, 和朋友身体上的困难, 家庭, 看护人也一样,熊先生补充道. “With the growing projection of cases in the future, it is becoming increasingly important to study the disease, 如何治疗?, 更重要的是, 如何预测.” 

Acceptance into the SUPER program is limited to OU students and is based on grades, 叙述, 的职业目标, a reference letter and an interview with ERI faculty. Students learn the basics of research including how to keep a research notebook, 解决问题, 批判性思维, conducting literature searches and preparing a scientific talk. Approximately 75 percent of SUPER graduates go on to medical school or graduate school.

申请这个项目, students submit a personal narrative outlining 的职业目标 and interests, 推荐信, 成绩单和简历. They are also interviewed by ERI faculty members.

Those admitted to the program receive a research fellowship of $4,250. 学生还参加由ERI和博蒙特眼科教师每周举办的视觉科学研讨会,并接受专业演讲和演示的培训.

To learn more about the 眼科研究所 at 365英国上市官网, visit www.奥克兰.edu/eri.
